The Association of Raza Educators-Los Angeles proudly endorses Robert D. Skeels for LAUSD Board District 2
Post date: Mar 23, 2013 6:7:11 AM
The following is the content of ARE's letter of endorsement:
The Association of Raza Educators-Los Angeles proudly endorses Robert D. Skeels for LAUSD Board District 2
In a climate in which public education is under attack and public leaders are severely under-serving the very communities they represent, the need for leadership that is and has been conscious, forthright and active towards empowering our communities through education is long overdue. Education is essential to the preservation of civil and human rights. It provides the foundation for all political and economic progress and it must be a basic right of all people. Making this right a reality is the fundamental objective of The Association of Raza Educators (ARE).
It is in this context and with this spirit that the Association of Raza Educators-L.A. enthusiastically endorses Robert D. Skeels for the LAUSD School Board (District 2). Social justice activist and education writer Robert D. Skeels understands the need for not only a change in the LAUSD leadership, but also, a change in the very direction that education has taken as a result of private, corporate and political interests.
As a grassroots teacher organization working alongside students, parents, and communities, ARE understands that in order to move ahead, we need people with social justice convictions on all levels and in all strategic positions in order to truly effect positive change in our communities in fundamental ways.
To have such a School Board candidate who is an advocate for the cultural, linguistic and critical thinking needs of our students, it is an honor and a privilege for ARE-L.A. to endorse Robert D. Skeels for the LAUSD School Board.
Ya basta with the profiteering of our youth's educational rights!
Ya basta with self-serving "leaders" who have forgotten about our disenfranchised youth!
Unidos Venceremos!